Ordered by Carroll Shelby himself, P/1018 was built as a race car to show specification and kept by Shelby and Ford as their star demonstrator throughout the GT40’s heyday. Housed side by side with the recently retired Daytona Coupes in Shelby’s LAX premises, P/1018 helped herald in a new era of racing. Shelby, Ford, and the GT40 would get their first of four Le Mans victories less than a year later in the summer of 1966.
The heart and soul of Shelby American that ushered in the GT40s heyday
One of just two GT40s driven by Carroll Shelby himself
Loaned by Shelby to MGM grand as test camera car for “Grand Prix,” cameo in Man from U.N.C.L.E
Prolific modern race history, prepared and supported by Lanzante for 25 years
Extensive 2024 history dossier by marque expert Ronnie Spain
Specified by Carroll Shelby himself, P1018 was built as a race car to show specification and kept by Shelby and Ford as their star demonstrator throughout the GT40’s heyday. Housed side by side with the recently retired Daytona Coupes in Shelby’s LAX premises, P1018 helped herald in a new era of racing. Shelby, Ford, and the GT40 would get their first Le Mans victory less than a year later in the summer of 1966.
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