Mr Doricar to compete in Oz

Racecar sponsored drift star James Doricar is going to be back in competition after securing a sponsorship deal with Iron Chef Imports in Australia.

James left the UK to go to Oz because he was hacked off with the weather and the general scene - and true to form the lucky bar steward has landed on his feet - with a rather pimp car and his first competition in about a months time. James has been without wheels since he sold his camper a few weeks ago and even has the unsavoury prospect of having to find a job this week! - so the deal with Iron Chef imports has come just at the right time.

The car is displayed in it's pre-preparation state:

James has been invited to join CAMS (Ozzie version of MSA) and doubtless will be getting some practice in on "private roads" in advance of his competition debut.

Most important thing is that James is getting a car very similar to the one we featured on the intro on his web site - so it means we don't have to change the intro!

Anyway here is a brief excerpt from an email James sent us - after a briefing from a PR flunkey - not:"It's getting delivered on Tuesday. How bloody exciting. I'm taking my suit in to get the racecar logo put on it in more places too. I'm over the bloody moon!!!!!!!"

We are confident that James will be excellent ambassador for us - and hope he can get the job done in his first competition in Oz - no pressure James!! :)

Click here for the Mr Doricar web site - designed and built by Racecar

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