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After a good overnight stay in Padstow we headed of up to Appledore  - Instow we were looking after our remaining chart plotter and had made some passage plans, the plans like All best made plans went straight out the window when hit by a wave the note bag ripped of the securing line and disappeared instantly, we were not using the sat nav as we were trying to conserve battery life until our replacement units are supplied, we had sightings of Dolphins today but the camera was not to hand and we were trying to press on as before we go any further we need to re check and test the electronics as well as sorting out the van for the land crew as we are carrying to many things and Phill and Mike are loading and unloading to many times, to keep the tracker going i am  having to disconnect and re connect to enable a transmission,  we headed off up towards Hartland Point  about half a mile before the point my throttle went heavy and two minutes  later cable broken, a quick temporary repair got us under way quickly and we ported into Clovelly quickly so the land crew could fit some new units.

We departed from Clovelly and headed off to Appledore / Instow we are here for the night while we check over boats and sort out the van we were met By Andy on the approach and he has kindly organised us a room for the night so no tenting tonight. Tomorrow is the Bristol Channel and a change to Swansea Coast Guard for communications.

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