Louis the German Shepherd needs your help

Louis the German Shepherd needs your help

Last minute charity appeal to help this lovely dog enjoy a long healthy lifeTHIS SUNDAY 26TH SEPTEMBER - I am running the Windsor half marathon (13 miles or 21 kilometres). Training for this event started off well about 3 months ago, but unfortunately has fizzled out a bit recently and this week has been confined to not going to the pub after a heavy session last weekend - a few longish dog walks with a bit of jogging - and an extended doze in the sauna at the gym.

Clearly with my poor level of preparation the run is going to be reasonably taxing exercise and my motivation for doing this is that I have pledged to raise money for a very worthy cause - Louis - also known as Baloo.

Louis is a 10 months old German Shepherd suffering Elbow Dysplasia and after visiting the vets needs to raise approximately £5000 to cover a double knee replacement operation, his vets bills and rehabilitation. To play my part I have kicked the fundraising off with £300 of my own money. I am not suggesting you match that but every little counts. So for the enjoyment of knowing that I am going to suffer on Sunday and that this lovely dog gets a second chance go to:


Details on how to make a donation are on the web link above (the JustGiving facility should be activated this weekend). Alternatively, simply e-mail jane@racecar.co.uk with your name, contact details and amount you wish to pledge and she will mail you back "if" Ross completes the run with details of how to make a donation to the Vigil German Shepherd Charity - who are looking after Louis at the moment.

Thanks in advance!


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