Values for rare classic and collector cars rose in 2020

Values for rare classic and collector cars rose in 2020

(image of Ferrari Testarossa courtesy of )

Values for rare classic and collector´s cars rose in 2020 after three years of little growth or declines.

The HAGI Top 50 benchmark closed up 0.27% in December, reaching an index price of 354.79. For 2020 the increase was 6.19%.

Much of this gain can be attributed to classic Ferrari (HAGI F Index) which rose 13.77% in 2020. Ferrari models currently constitute a weighting of more than 1/3 in the HAGI Top Index. Without Porsche and Ferrari the market increased by 1.36% in 2020 (HAGI Top ex P&F Index). 

While many financial assets did much better in 2020, e.g. the S&P Global 1200* stock market index gained 13.08%, investment proceeds may fund collector´s car purchases in the new year. 

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