Shere Hill Climb approaches 2021 event in a positive fashion

Shere Hill Climb approaches 2021 event in a positive fashion

Progress report from the organiser: 

We said that we would keep you informed as our plans developed and having had some preliminary contact with the local Council whose permission we must seek to run the event, the following is our current position.


Pandemic Policy
Despite only having a vague idea of how this year will pan out we have decided that we have to approach the 2021 event in a positive fashion. It takes most of the year to bring the event together so it would be tragic to arrive at September and find we could have held the event but have nothing prepared.


We plan to open for entries in the usual way at the beginning of March for two months. In early May we will take stock, consult the local authorities and make a final decision on going ahead. Hopefully by then we will be in a position to take a positive view. We will then inform the successful applicants and ask for their entry fees, which will be non-refundable if for any reason we have to cancel the event. The reason for this is that we spend nearly all the entry fees on setting up the infrastructure for the event and it would be unreasonable to leave our hardworking committee exposed to these costs. We are already incurring a trickle of monthly expenses which we are ourselves are responsible for. If you do not wish to enter on this basis we will quite understand. 


It may be that we have to run the event with a restricted spectator policy which will reduce our money raising capability for local charities but we must do what we can to give us all something to look forward to in these unprecedented times. I hope we can still count on your support.


We shall report back to you in due course.

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