Planning goes ahead for Africa Eco Race 2022

Planning goes ahead for Africa Eco Race 2022

Even if the pandemic is still with us at the beginning of the year 2021, the vaccination triggered massively around the world seems to make it possible to plan for the end of the year. Many of us have our foot on the pedal, ready to shift into 1st gear, in search of adventure, wide open spaces and freedom.

A long African Cross-Country Rally is ideal for this! Here are the main points and dates to remember so far, for the 14th edition of the AFRICA ECO RACE 2022.


26/02/2021 Opening of the website

03/05/2021 Opening of the entries

31/12/2021 & 01/01/2022 Administrative and technical checks in the South of France
Official start of the AFRICA ECO RACE 2022
Boarding the boat, direction Morocco

From 4 to 15/01/2022
Arrival of the boat in Morocco and 1st stage
12 stages through Morocco, Mauritania and Senegal
1 day of rest

16/01/2022 Final stage along Lac Rose
Embarking of the vehicles, direction France

End January 2022 Disembarking of the vehicles in France


The spirit of the AFRICA ECO RACE enables a maximum of enthusiasts to satisfy their thirst for escape, freedom and challenge in a race suitable for all machines -  in a friendly and sporty atmosphere with a maximum security.

▪    CATEGORY 1: 450 cc
▪    CATEGORY 2: Quad
▪    CATEGORY 3: + 450 cc
▪    CATEGORY 4: Open
▪    CATEGORY 5: + 700 cc Bicylinder
▪    CATEGORY 6: Experimental
Class 1: Female
Class 2: Junior
Class 3: Veteran
Class 4: Malle Moto / Motul Xtreme Rider (limited places)

▪    GROUP T1: Prototype Cross-country vehicles, 4 and 2-wheel drive, petrol or diesel
▪    GROUP T2: Standard Cross-country Vehicles, petrol or diesel
▪    GROUP T3: Lightweight Prototype Cross-country Vehicles
▪    GROUP T4: “Side by Side” Cross-country Lightweight Series
▪    GROUP T5: Cross-country Trucks
▪    GROUP SSV XTREME RACE: This category is open to any “Side by Side” machine closest to original.
SSVs in the SSV XTREME RACE category must respect the following minimum weights:
- SSV with atmospheric engine: 825 kg
- SSV with turbo engine: 925 kg

▪    EXPERIMENTAL GROUP: With the development of alternative energy vehicles, this category takes on its full meaning. Whether electric, with photovoltaic cells, hybrid... a category aimed towards the future.
Taking part in a raid alongside the Rally racing to the mythical Lac Rose... very few organizers offer such an extraordinary adventure.

Whether by motorbike, SSV or car, no specific preparation, no concept of time, just a desire to ride at your own pace, in complete freedom, in the midst of grandiose landscapes with a wish to escape and have fun.

Every evening, the whole rally caravan will gather at the bivouac around its famous and majestic campfire to share its emotions of the day.

A lot of unique moments and discoveries ahead!

Explore 3 African countries at the handlebars of your trail or maxi-trail motorcycle. On the driving side, you will follow a track downloaded on the Ertf GPS common to all teams, which will bring you through rolling tracks as well as some challenging but scenic routes. For those who would like to taste the sand and challenge themselves, there will be alternatives for everyone to enjoy.

There are many who tried the AFRICA RAID one year and came back the following years by taking the bet to enter the race.

This formula is also suitable for couples or friends, from 2 to 3 people per car, who wish to go on an adventure and experience the atmosphere through this great authentic cross-country rally, with its bivouacs set in the middle of nowhere.

The drivers will take certain tracks in the selective sections used by competitors in the race, and will learn and / or improve navigation and dunes crossings, all at their own pace, without pressure.

Choose YOUR formula for your sweet escape!

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