BBB4x4 - web site designed and built by Racecar

BBB4x4 - web site designed and built by Racecar

Delighted to announce launch of new BBB4x4 web site - a new venture which is part of the Neil Bainbridge Engineering Group.

If you are into air-cooled Porsche and specifically RS and RSR models - you'll know who Neil is - we also build his classic Porsche site. Outside work - Neil is a real adventurer and his latest project is based around competing in rally raids.

BBB4X4 has been set up by Neil to engineer and build a number of high-performance off-road vehicles to compete in the most demanding rally raid events around the world. The prototype vehicle has been specifically built to meet the rigours of the 2023 Rally Raid events and represents 18 months of labour and a six figure investment to ensure the vehicle presents a competitive proposition and engineering showcase for the BBB4X4 enterprise.

The team will support the Clic Sargent Cancer Care for Children "Young Lives vs Cancer" charity on every event participation - a really worthy cause close to Neil's heart - Gofundme link here >>>

Anyway Racecar built the web site and designed the BBB4x4 logo and can't wait to have a go in the 7 litre buggy!

Click here to visit BBB4x4 web site - designed and built by Racecar


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